Do Newfypoos Shed?
Let's Talk Shedding!
Flat coat, wavy coat, curly coat, oh my!
Do Newfypoos shed? Doodle breeders cannot guarantee the amount of shedding a pup will have once he hits adulthood. Some will not shed at all, some will shed in “tumble weed” fashion, while others will shed more regularly or with seasonal blow outs (where they shed a lot at once for a short amount of time). Usually the estimation is: the more curl = less shedding and the more furnished they are = less shedding, however that’s not a hard and fast rule and there can be exceptions.
Here at Green Acres we breed for health and for personality. It’s our top priority. No matter the coat your pup has, we want him to live a long and happy life with you. Many time people end up with what we call a flatcoated puppy from a breeder and it’s a surprise to them. Of the people I have seen with a flatcoat, they are in love and wouldn’t have any other pup, but the shedding was surprise to them. So here at Green Acres, make sure that the pups we have are full furnished and not flatcoasts, so it’s never a surprise. Our pups are also F1bs and Multigenerational, so we can provide puppies to those with allergies. While everyone’s allergies differ, our puppies have had success being in homes with people with severe allergies.
Coat does need to be considered to see if you have a preference. Here we are going to talk about Furnished and Nonfurnished dogs – aka – curvy vs flatcoat. What your puppy gets depends on in his genetics and what he gets from mom and dad, but here is how it plays out in real life. Furnishing are the eyebrows, eye lashes and mustache that is typical when you think of a traditional “doodle” dog. An unfurnished dog does not have the bushy eyebrows, super long eyelashes or beard (like the purebred Newfoundland). The furnished gene is separate from the curly gene. Both play a part in the shedding, but highly depends on the furnish gene. These can be tested for through a genetic test if you are very curious (we do not test here, as we know all of our dogs carry at least one curl and one furnish gene – we do not produce flatcoats). A dog can carry no furnishings, light furnishings or strong furnishings. It’s likely that a dog with two furnishing genes will have stronger furnishings and less likely to shed. However, we have had a lot of F1b puppies with only one furnishing gene and have very strong furnishings.
The gene that control curl stands apart from the furnished gene. This gene can also be tested for in a genetic test, however, the test does not identify how much curl the dog will have. If a dog carries two curl genes, it’s likely they will be more curly than a dog that carries only one curly gene. It doesn’t always hold true, as we have had a lot of F1b puppies, with a single curl gene be very curly.
As you can see, the genetic code can be a guide, but it cannot tell us how strongly those genes will show through in a particular pup. There are pros and cons to each furnished/curly and unfurnished/flatcoat pups. This page will walk you through some of the things you should consider when making a decision.
Furnished / Curly-Wavy
When you think DOODLE, this is typically what comes to you mind. That teddy bear face. Low shedding and in most cases, generally great for people with allergies. The coat takes upkeep and grooming, usually every 4-6 weeks. Brushing your Newfypoo several times a week will keep their coat matt free and looking fine. The tighter the curl, the more you will need to brush at home. Learning to groom them yourself can save you a lot of money along the way as well. This is a great option for those that love the traditional doodle, teddy-bear look, with no drooling, extremely low shedding, and love the different grooming looks that are available with the curly coat.
Unfurnished / Flat Coat
People are more likely to know what breed your dog is with a flat coat! Having a smooth face shows off their expressive eyes and leaves for less wet mouths since they don’t have the beard and mustache. Their hair is soft and easy to maintain, typically not needing clipped beyond a sanitary clip in the rear. This requires less daily grooming for the owner, fewer grooming appointments, and typically cheaper grooming bills. Due to the genetic makeup of the flat coats, they shed and are not for people with allergies. They shed daily, less than a pure Newfoundland and can be minimized with brushing. You may have a heavy shedding during season changes and this can be hastened with a good bath, blowout and deshedding brushout at the groomer. This is a great option for those that love a more traditional Newfoundland look, far less drooling, less shedding, and an easy to maintain coat the more adventurous or beach going family.
If personality and health are what matter most to you, then when it comes time to choose a puppy, it won’t matter what kind of coat they have. Their fun, laid back and kind personality, their smarts, whit and their health are what make these puppies so amazing. If you prefer one over the other, we will typically be able to know by the time the puppies are 6.5 weeks old, which ones are going to be furnished (curly) and which will be nonfurnished (flat coat) and we can guide your puppy choice. Find us on Social media.